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Thursday, December 19, 2013
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
Υποβρύχια Γλυπτά απο τον Jason deCaires Taylor
Living with Wolves
Living With Wolves - Nature Documentary On Wolves Species 2013 - HD
Most commonly known as evil villains from childhood fairytales, wolves have long been the subject of strange myths, causing many humans to fear them. Living with Wolves sets out to debunk cultural misconceptions of these elusive creatures. Living among a pack of wolves at the edge of Idaho's Sawtooth Wilderness, Jim and Jamie Dutcher spent years in a tented camp intimately observing the social hierarchy and behavior of the famous Sawtooth Pack. Now exquisite, large-scale photographs bring you closer than ever before to each individual pack member, and invite you to explore each wolf's role within their interconnected social group. Experience the selection of pack leaders, the birth of pups, and the mourning ritual following the loss of a pack member. Plus, learn how the reintroduction of wolves has played a key role in balancing and managing the ecosystem of Yellowstone National Park and beyond.
Jeff Turner spends a year in northern Canada filming the life of a wolf pack that featured in the David Attenborough series Frozen Planet. The cameraman learns how the animals survive in the harsh wilderness and discovering whether the pack leader can pass its hunting skills on to a new generation of cubs.
The gray wolf or grey wolf (Canis lupus) is a species of canid native to the wilderness and remote areas of North America, Eurasia, and North Africa. It is the largest member of its family, with males averaging 43--45 kg (95--99 lb), and females 36--38.5 kg (79--85 lb). It is similar in general appearance and proportions to a German shepherd, or sled dog, but has a larger head, narrower chest, longer legs, straighter tail and bigger paws. Its winter fur is long and bushy, and predominantly a mottled gray in colour, although nearly pure white, red, or brown to black also occur.
Within the genus Canis, the gray wolf represents a more specialised and progressive form than its smaller cousins (the coyote and golden jackal), as demonstrated by its morphological adaptations to hunting large prey, its more gregarious nature and its highly advanced expressive behavior. It is a social animal, travelling in nuclear families consisting of a mated pair, accompanied by the pair's adult offspring. The gray wolf is typically an apex predator throughout its range, with only humans and tigers posing a serious threat to it. It feeds primarily on large ungulates, though it also eats smaller animals, livestock, carrion, and garbage.
The gray wolf is one of the world's most well researched animals, with probably more books written about it than any other wildlife species. It has a long history of association with humans, having been despised and hunted in most agricultural communities due to its attacks on livestock, while conversely being respected by some Native American tribes. It is the sole ancestor of the dog, which was first domesticated in the Middle East. Although the fear of wolves is prevalent in many human societies, the majority of recorded attacks on people have been attributed to animals suffering from rabies. Non-rabid wolves have attacked and killed people, mainly children, but this is unusual, as wolves are relatively few, live away from people, and have been taught to fear humans by hunters and shepherds. Hunting and trapping has reduced the species' range to about one third of its original range, though its still relatively widespread range and stable population means that the species is not threatened at a global level, and is therefore classified by the IUCN as Least Concern.
Wolf Battlefield - Λύκος, Πεδίο μάχης
Ντοκυμαντέρ με Ελληνικούς Υπότιτλους
Wolf Battlefield uncovers the survival techniques which , frozen for more than half of the year, is tough in the tough rocky mountain wilderness that is the wolf pack's territory. Teamwork, stamina, intelligence, tenacity and chemical warfare are essential to succeed.
Nature Documentary hosted by Sanjeev Bhaskar and published by BBC in 2002
Wolf Battlefield uncovers the survival techniques which , frozen for more than half of the year, is tough in the tough rocky mountain wilderness that is the wolf pack's territory. Teamwork, stamina, intelligence, tenacity and chemical warfare are essential to succeed.
Nature Documentary hosted by Sanjeev Bhaskar and published by BBC in 2002
Ocean of Dreams
Ζώντας σε μια κοινωνία που δεν σέβεται τη διαφορετικότητα, σε μια κοινωνία που το λάθος και το σωστό υποτάσσονται κατά το δοκούν στην χειραγωγημένη πλειοψηφία και η πραγματική ελευθερία φαντάζει όνειρο, για να είσαι αποδεκτός πρέπει να ακολουθήσεις την πεπατημένη οδό και το κοινώς αποδεκτό.
Πρέπει να καταχωνιάσεις τα όνειρά σου μέσα σε απαγορευμένες σκέψεις και απωθημένα, πρέπει να τα κρύψεις καλά στον πάτο ενός μπουκαλιού και να τα αφήσεις να χαθούν για πάντα στην θάλασσα, με αντάλλαγμα μια “καθώς πρέπει” ζωή.
Ο Πορτογάλος Mr.Dheo παλεύοντας ακόμα ένα βράδυ με τα όνειρά του ξυπνάει στο μαγευτικό βοτσαλάκι της Μυκόνου, στο μέρος όπου ο θρυλικός Ηρακλής μόνος του τερμάτισε τη δυναστευτική κυριαρχία των γιγάντων κατατροπώνοντας τους σε μια μάχη δίχως αύριο. Δίπλα του βρίσκεται ένα από τα εκατομμύρια μπουκάλια που ταξιδεύουν ανά τους ωκεανούς χωρίς τελικό προορισμό ή παραλήπτη και μέσα τους φυλάνε τα όνειρα και τις ελπίδες μας.
Στο όμορφο πρόσωπο της μυστηριώδους κοπέλας που απεικονίζεται στο χαρτί που βρίσκει στο μπουκάλι ο Mr.Dheo βλέπει την απόλυτη ελευθερία και ξεγνοιασιά που κρύβει ο ωκεανός και λείπει από τη ζωή μας. Χωρίς δεύτερη σκέψη βουτάει στο νερό προς αναζήτησή της κι εκείνη του χαρίζει μια στιγμή μόνο πραγματικής ελευθερίας -μια στιγμή που δεν ανταλλασσέται με όλο το χρυσάφι του κόσμου- και χάνεται ξανά στο απόλυτο γαλάζιο.
Αναδυόμενος στην επιφάνεια βρίσκεται στην όαση του Βοτσαλάκι resort, ενώ πλεόν στο νερό επιπλέουν Spray cans. Ο Mr.Dheo απεικονίζει το βλέμα της απόλυτης ελευθερίας στον τοίχο και πετάει το μπουκάλι ξανά στον ωκεανό με την ελπίδα ο επόμενος παραλήπτης να είναι πιο τυχερός, ίσως και να μπορέσει να την κρατήσει για πάντα μαζί μας…
Ο Mr.Dheo αυτό το βράδυ ακολούθησε το ονειρό του, έστω και για μια στιγμή… ΕΣΥ?
Living in a world that does not respect diversity, thus living in a world that right or wrong submits to the will of the manipulated majority, true freedom is just a mere utopia. The path of the righteous has been forgotten and misled behind the generally accepted ideologies and societal taboos. Our dreams are now forbidden and they remain repressed, our hopes and expectations are tightly sealed in the bottom of a bottle and "willingly" thrown in the ocean destined to remain in the dark, in return of a "normal" life.
MrDheo from Portugal finds himself fighting within his dream and waking up at the beautiful beach of "Votsalaki" at Mykonos, the beach that legendary Hercules overpowered by himself the tyranny of the Giants in a fierce battle, according to the myth. By his side he finds one of those bottles that entrap our hopes and travel around the ocean without reason or destination. Inside the bottle he finds the sketch of a mysterious beautiful girl and MrDheo sees in her eyes the perfect freedom form that is hidden deep in the ocean and is missing from our lives.
Without thinking twice he jumps into the ocean to find her and she gives him a single moment of true freedom, a moment that all the money in the world cannot buy and...she vanishes again in the deep blue. Emerging on the surface MrDheo finds himself alone in the magic oasis of Votsalaki resort and his spray cans floating on the water. He instantly depicts the look of perfect freedom on the wall and then he throws the bottle entrapping her back in the water. Maybe the next recipient manages to keep her forever with us...
This night MrDheo followed his dream, even for a single moment... YOU?
Living in a society that does not dream is like living in a society that is already dead. SPREADING THE INSPIRATION AND THE EXPRESSION THROUGH ART. DESIGNWARS.
Artist: Mr.Dheo - Representing DesignWars Team
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December 2013
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- Υποβρύχια Γλυπτά απο τον Jason deCaires Taylor
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